Cindy Bahadur: Author, Auditor, Key Note Speaker, Business Mentor, Facilitator, Legislative Compliance CEO.

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Author x9, Auditor and Management Consultant with over 20+ years of experience in varied industries, assisting multinationals and non-profits achieve excellence in systems management. My extensive years of specialized experience combined with my understanding of management systems and operational excellence positions me well to deliver and exceed expectations. 

Published Books:

        1. 101 Ways To Think Like A Business Person

       2.  The Struggle is Real

        3. Changing U

        4. Conversations

        5. Pathway to Profit

        6. Achieving Operational Excellence 

        7. Walking in MY TRUE Power

        8. R.A.W. (Real and Wounded)

        9. Dropping Gems of Value 

The cornerstones and pillars of my business and career are built on Integrity, Honesty and Profit. My customers buy Integrity and Honesty when they conduct business with me. 

My interest: Changing lives one person at a time. I utilize my profession (Change Management, Management Systems and Process based approach) and my 9 published books as a platform to change lives positively. 

In helping you to decide which book to purchase, each book was born out of its own story.

101 Ways to Think Like a Business Person was created to fill a need for the small business community, of which the given was that a business person had specific product knowledge (e.g. they understand their skill and product very well) but do not have business knowledge and business acumen. My business knowledge was acquired by working throughout my career directly with CEO's and Presidents. I was able to observe and understand their level of success, drive and determination and decided that the valuable knowledge I acquired from this experience needed to be shared with the world, hence positioning oneself to think like a business person.

The Struggle is Real emerged out of a need to demonstrate to society that as humans we are always struggling, be it mentally, financially, emotionally or physically, even though we put on a facade that all is well. I created this book when while working with several non-profit organizations, tending to the needs of women (abused, unemployed an sometimes homeless with kids), I understood the struggles that women faced, even myself facing struggles as a new immigrant in a foreign country.

Changing U was written as a need to assist society and especially those members of society stuck mentally. As humans we believe we cannot change based upon circumstances and/or situations bestowed upon us, however change does begin from within and this book aptly demonstrates the need to change oneself for the better always. Changing U teaches you to embrace the qualities that you already possess and allows you to enhance you existing qualities for the better.

Conversations I love this book. This book is a fun play on my daily conversations with the Supreme Being. Many times, we speak to that supreme being in our times of need, however we never look at the light hearted play on our words and conversations with that Supreme Being. It's just a fun, simple, easy to read book overall.

Walking in My True Power My heart belongs to this book. Many times I struggled with understanding my true power, what it is, how to create it, claim it and maintain its authenticity. I also struggles with understanding that I was trading my power for time and energy (positive and negative energy). This book allowed me to become vulnerable and in the process of becoming vulnerable I was able to understand and walk in my true power. 

Pathway to Profit In order to do justice to my writings and my knowledge, I must share my extensive and expansive knowledge on business and its ability to make a profit via my writings. Being thoroughly process and profit oriented, I put pen to paper to explain and advise the correct pathway to profit. While there are many pathways to profit, based on the genre chosen, I chose the pathway of system implementation, which streamlines a business, eliminates waste, eliminates duplication and reduplication of work and assists business in realizing a profit. This book is geared towards any type of business, from small business to larger corporations. 

Achieving Operational Excellence As a follow up to Pathway to Profit, I wrote Achieving Operational Excellence. Once a business realizes a profit and becomes sustainable, the next step to continued and future profitability is Excellence. Excellence attainment is very difficult to achieve for any business however it is not unattainable. Follow the guided steps and processes, including the systems that need to be put into place and any business can realize excellence attainment.  

R.A.W. (Real and Wounded) This book was meant to demonstrate that as humans we are often placed in real life situations of which in most circumstances we emerge wounded. This book is the opposite to Conversations, where Conversations was light and funny, this book is intense and teary, its more a realistic version of life and its unfortunate situations which leaves us wounded and helpless.  

Dropping Gems of Value  To say this book is my best yet is an understatement. I love this book with all my heart and soul. It's a book filled with golden word nuggets which takes me through my daily life. It reminds me and everyone else who reads it that there is hope in this world and that deep down within us, is the true being we were supposed to be. These golden nuggets called Gems of Value are our guide to live our lives to the fullest being the best we can be always and in every situation. 

My dream of creating a legacy for myself inevitably allows others through the acquisition of my books to create a legacy for themselves via my knowledge, experiences and expertise. In the end, the world will be filled with persons empowered and enabled to create their own legacies while they become self-sufficient and successful in their realm of expertise. 

Invest in a book and change your life for the better today!

" have given me the confidence to keep pushing to better and brighter things in my life. Thank you very much Cindy. May God continue to bless you as you seek to build up others around you....... 

Senior Accountant

" have always been so talented in everything you's admirable. I still can't get over how you write books like that, this is amazing. I am sure that this book will be just as good as all your books. Dropping Gems of Value has been an inspiration to my life." 

Health, Safety Director

"Your work speaks to the intricacies of life, where life knocks us down and deals us continuous blows while we are down, these are situations of which any man or woman can relate and identify with. I do love this book." 

Director of Operations

About Us

Cindy Bahadur-Ramkumar

Author, Auditor & CEO

Cindy Bahadur-Ramkumar (CBR). Author of 9 Published Books on Change in Self, in Business and Professional Life.

CEO and Founder of Management Systems & Solutions providing Auditing (HSEQ) and Legislative Compliance Solutions to businesses by implementing Management Systems (Health, Safety, Environment, Quality, Sustainability and Security). 

We also design, develop and implement Management Systems for businesses requiring the implementation of a system in order to attain Vendor Compliance, and Contractor Management Compliance.